Waste Time Efficiently

woensdag 15 augustus 2007

RIP, Veronica Mars

In its continued quest to torment television viewers into a trivial frenzy,
the CW cancels Veronica Mars in favor of Top Model. Sigh.

For the past three years, Veronica Mars has been the coolest, smartest, sassiest female character on television. Though the premise of the show is inherently dorky (she's the daughter of a private eye in Neptune, CA...kind of Nancy Drew meets 90210) it was one of the best-kept secrets of Tuesday night primetime in America. And forget its addictive storylines, excellent dialogue and grade-A soundtrack...the best part about the show is its heroine. For once, girls had a character to latch onto that wasn't completely retarded, morally bankrupt, or a skeezebag of cooties pouting out post-coital SAT-vocabulary. I wanted to be, more than anything in the world, Veronica Mars.

And now, looks like our Tuesday nights on the CW are back to watching vapid anorexic bitches try and convince us that a) modelling is an art form, b) modelling is a challenging art form, and c) it's tough holding still for the .0007 seconds it takes for a camera to snap a picture. Especially, you know, when your enormous boobs might pop out of your bikini top at any moment. These are Life Lessons, girls. This is drama. Add to it the very-real possibility that Tyra Banks could top 105 pounds this season and you've got real, transformative television.

Mars, I'm going to miss you.

Femme Fatality

Boom Chicago

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