Waste Time Efficiently

vrijdag 17 augustus 2007

Guerilla Knitters!

Most girlie activities are inherently uncool. Unless, of course, they fall into the following two categories: they happen to be adopted by a celebrity; or they are adapted to become somewhat dangerous or mischievious. Perfect example - knitting.

We’ve all been knitting for years, right? My grandma had me crocheting the shit out of purses and pound puppy collars at the tender age of eight. But until a few years ago, we all had to do it in the privacy of our own homes, late at night, lights turned low, desperately hoping our friends thought we were at some glamorous, exclusive shindig, rather than the cold, hard truth.

But rewind a few years when knitting all of a sudden became super hip? Gwyneth Paltrow and some other starlets were caught knitting sweaters on set (when you’re eighty-five pounds, you tend to get kind of chilly under all those movie lights) and all of a sudden the busses and subways and baseball games and coffeeshops and public parks are positively bloated with girls and their little yarn satchels, clickity clacking away. And suddenly, we’re WARM again! AND hip! It was great!

Now some inventive urban folks have succeeded in satisfying category #2 and have taken knitting to the next level, warm and fuzzy graffiti. Check out some of these excellent photos of this bizarre, time-sucking phenomenon.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Strange? Maybe. Pointless? No! Speaking as a person who is constantly running into poles and columnesque structures with cars, bikes, and my own body, I find I am really embracing this trend. Instead of adding to my extensive bruise and scar collection, a spectacular bike crash turns more into receiving a warm embrace from an old, woolly friend.

Femme fatality
Boom Chicago

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